What is counselling

What is counselling, and how can it help?

Counselling is where you meet with another person, your counsellor, on a one-to-one basis. He or she will help you to make sense of your thoughts and feelings, so that you can make choices about what you can do to bring about changes in your life.

Counsellors do not give advice. We believe that only you know what is right for you and our job is to help you to come to a clearer understanding of what you need and how you might go about getting it, without putting any pressure on you in any way.

Is it confidential?

Yes, it is confidential. No one outside of ARC is given information about you unless you wish it. This applies even when someone else suggests you come to ARC such as your parents, doctor, social worker etc. You will be given the opportunity to talk about confidentiality or ask any questions at the beginning of your first session.

Who is it for?

Although we have a responsibility towards young people, no one is turned away. In fact, the average age of our clients is 30.

Our counsellors focus on you and how you feel about what is happening in your life. Whatever the problem is they will not be shocked by anything you tell them. They will listen and empower you to decide how you want to move forward.

What if someone else needs help?

We cannot make anyone have counselling. However, we may be able to help you to look at how another person’s actions or behaviour leaves you feeling. We can support you in finding the best way for you to cope with whatever challenges you face in your life.

How else can counselling help me?

Sharing your fears, anxieties and concerns with someone else or exploring your feelings and thoughts, can help you to make sense of what is going on in your life. Having a better understanding of your life, yourself and your situation, can help you to identify what you need to do. Once you know what you need to do, you then have the freedom to make a choice about your future – you take back control of your own life.

Previous clients have found counselling to be enormously helpful in making them feel happier, freer, more balanced and more in control of their lives. Sometimes it can help you to make the changes you know you need to make, but don’t know how to make them or are too afraid to make alone.

If you’re unsure, why not give it a few sessions? If you decide that it’s not for you, you’re free to walk away.

To make an appointment or to speak to someone in confidence, please call 0118 977 6710. For more information about appointments, please click here.